Can't I just use the regular version of ChatGPT instead of a custom Talkalotta GPT to learn a language?Of course you could! You could also teach yourself how to tread water and swim without a swimming coach or how to fix a flat tire and replace your brakes without a mechanic. Nowadays, you don't strictly need anyone else to teach yourself anything, provided you have significant time and patience to metaphorically cross a river by touching each stone—or you could pay the toll and use the bridge to drive your straight car across the river. Talkalotta streamlines your learning experience so that you can learn a language as fast as humanly possible with the help of AI to save you time, money, and grey hair. Start a free trial in the chat and see what we mean.
What/How many languages can I learn with a Talkalotta GPT?With Talkalotta, you can learn ANY language: seriously, ANY language. With a Basic/Premium Tier plan, you can learn 1 language of your choice, e.g. either Korean or Quebec French or Ancient Greek or Wakandan or or or... With a Pro Tier plan, you can learn an unlimited quantity of languages, e.g. Maori and Egyptian Arabic and Latin and High Valyrian and and and... All currently available (300+) languages and variants for Basic and Premium Tier plans can be found here. If you don't see your target language/variant listed, let us know and you'll hear back from us within 24 hours with a solution.
How much does becoming a Talkalotta member cost?Becoming a Talkalotta Member is free. Once a member, you can then visit Plans & Pricing to select the plan that works best for you: premium, pro, basic, or free.
What makes Talkalotta unique for language learning?You have a problem (you want to learn a language). ChatGPT has the technology (Generative AI with text and voice). Talkalotta streamlines your user experience so that you can solve your problem and learn a language as fast as humanly possible with the help of AI to save you time, money, and grey hair. With Talkalotta's custom GPTs, your language learning consists of exactly: 1) what you want to know (not only what a formal teacher thinks you should know); 2) when you want to know it (whenever is convenient for you not someone else); 3) where you want to learn it (outside of a classroom, in a classroom, at work, away from work, on vacation, killing time, wherever); and 4) how you want to learn it (faster, slower, more balanced, talking about motorcycles, practicing prepositions, test prep, you name it). Start a free trial in the chat and see what we mean.
What am I actually paying for?A custom GPT by Talkalotta on ChatGPT that streamlines your user experience so that you can learn a language as fast as humanly possible with the help of AI to save you time, money, and grey hair. Start a free trial in the chat and see what we mean.
Some of Talkalotta's GPTs build upon the work of select datasets from: 1) Universal Dependencies 2.15 (Universal Dependencies v2.15 License Agreement); and/or 2) UniMorph by referencing select datasets in Knowledge.
No changes were made to any Universal Dependencies datasets. UniMorph datasets used were converted from .txt file types to .csv file types on 31 December, 2024.
The applicable licenses and their terms and conditions govern, extend through, and apply to your use of the indicated Talkalotta GPT(s), including their outputs.
Universal Dependencies
Universal Dependencies is a project that seeks to develop cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation for many languages, with the goal of facilitating multilingual parser development, cross-lingual learning, and parsing research from a language typology perspective. The annotation scheme is based on (universal) Stanford dependencies (de Marneffe et al., 2006, 2008, 2014), Google universal part-of-speech tags (Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset interlingua for morphosyntactic tagsets (Zeman, 2008).
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky
Project code: LM2023062
Project name: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Digitální výzkumná infrastruktura pro jazykové technologie, umění a humanitní vědy
Zeman, Daniel; et al., 2024, Universal Dependencies 2.15, LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-5787.1
The Universal Morphology (UniMorph) project is a collaborative effort to improve how NLP handles complex morphology in the world’s languages. The goal of UniMorph is to annotate morphological data in a universal schema that allows an inflected word from any language to be defined by its lexical meaning, typically carried by the lemma, and by a rendering of its inflectional form in terms of a bundle of morphological features from our schema. The specification of the schema is described [here].